
Arkelon Chronicles, a Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Created by Wendigo Workshop

Arkelon Chronicles is a new traditional tabletop RPG set in a colorful universe of technology and magic! You weren't able to pledge during the Kickstarter? You missed some unlocked stretch goals? Here you can find everything you need to enjoy the Arkelon Chronicles RPG!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Monthly Update: January
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 05, 2022 at 08:27:31 AM

Hello everyone!

We hope you are doing good in these hard times. We got a bit later than usual on this one, but fear not, we are still here, active and working. Most of the text is finished, and we will be updating the Alpha Version with a big chunk of work on February 20th. We are starting to work on revising each races and abilities to be sure that they are interesting enough to matter, despite having a lot of choices. 

We currently have 84% completion rate on the survey, which is really good! If you haven't filled yours yet, you still have time! We are still planning on charging and locking orders around May 11th, and will be sending a reminder before doing so. We will also add a section on the specifics of traveling, vehicles, social encounters and downtime!

As it is going right now, we are still on track for an August release!

We also received new illustrations, including some of the monsters that will be seen in the book.

Kickstarter Custom character order: Jaanvar-Ke Priest
2nd Illustration for the GM screen (WIP)
Armorleaf Monster Illustration
Mountain Dragon Illustration
Grimvern Monster Illustration
Wechuge Monster Illustration

That's it for us this month! Continue to take care of yourselves, and see you next month!

Monthly Update: December
over 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 03:20:08 PM

Hello everyone! 

We hope that you had wonderful holidays despite everything that is happening in the world (if you don't celebrate, we still hope you are doing well)!

We are still well on the way to finish the text (at least the first pass) of text for January. January update will also include the first look on the GM screen stretch goal, and we are quite excited about it! We think it's going to be a useful piece for game masters and players alike to quickly refer rules and other important piece of information.

The solo mode in the book is also coming together quite well! As it is an addition to the base book, we try to make it concise to keep our initial goal of a maximum of 600 pages, but making it feel complete on it's own with interesting table and story ideas!

Some Other News

While Kickstarter is a default website for crowdfunding, as it brings a lot of exposure to projects, we must speak about the future of Arkelon Chronicles and our other projects following the recent Kickstarter announcement: As a company that values environment friendly practices, this announcement doesn't sit well with us. While the announcement states that their provider is carbon-negative, there's still not enough information to know how efficient their carbon reduction actually is. In the light of this announcement, Wendigo Workshopwill no longer use Kickstarter for future crowdfunding projects. As we continue working on Arkelon and other IPs, we will keep you updated as to where our next projects will be through our newsletter and Backerkit mail.

You can also read more about it here:

New Art!

Gargoyles Sketches
1st Custom Backer Character Sketches
Teka Yue Human Heritage Sketch
River Troll Sketch
Update on the first GM screen illustration

See you next month, take care of yourselves, and continue having fun!

Monthly Update: November
over 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 08:55:49 PM


It's that time of the month again!

We don't have much updates to showcase, but a reminder for everyone with a custom character art in their order: We have sent the e-mail regarding your design, if you haven't received it, check your spam folder or contact us through Kickstarter or Backerkit! Those with their designs already layed out, you can ignore the message!

We also sent a reminder for those who haven't answered yet, you can check your spam folder if you haven't seen it in your inbox. Take note that until we charge and lock orders (approximately 1 month before shipping -> around July 2022) you can always add bonus items, change your address or payment method. 

For the game in itself, art is still coming through, all races now have their lore's first pass written, more monster stats are coming in for the field guide, and we are fairly confident that everything left in the writing department will be finished in January. Our first pass for correction and French translation will also be started at that time.

Sketches for the 1st (of 3) GM Screen Illustration
Arcane Magic Circle
Divine Magic Circle

Thank you again for the support, and see you next month for a new update!

Monthly Update: October
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 07:02:14 PM

Hello everyone!

A small monthly update on the progress and other small things.

We are still monitoring the paper/cardboard shortage, which for now is not problematic versus the date that we plan to print, which is encouraging! We'll still update you on the situation with each updates, and stay open with the situation, so you'll be aware of any delays that might befall the Kickstarter release.

(Nous surveillons l'évolution de la pénurie papier/carton, qui n'est pour l'instant pas problématique par rapport à la date d'impression prévue, ce qui est encourageant ! Nous vous tiendrons toujours au courant de la situation à chaque mise à jour et resterons transparents, afin que vous soyez au courant de tout retard pouvant survenir.)

People with customized characters will soon see them come to life, as a new batch of illustrations will be started in early-mid November, so we'll be contacting you to be sure that your concept is layed out so we can send them to production!

(Les personnes avec des personnages personnalisés les verront bientôt prendre vie, car un nouveau lot d'illustrations sera lancé début-mi-novembre, nous vous contacterons donc pour nous assurer que votre concept est mis en place afin que nous puissions les envoyer en production!)

We are also starting to have enough artwork to start laying out what the Artbook's interior will look like, so we'll soon be showing that off too!

(Nous commençons également à avoir suffisamment d'illlustrations pour commencer à travailler sur l'intérieur de l'Artbook, nous allons donc bientôt pouvoir le montrer!)

A new artist from Québec will be joining us for the GM screen's illustrations, so we'll soon be able to unveil some more about that! Her work ->

(Une nouvelle artiste Québécoise se joindra à nous pour les illustrations de l'écran de MJ, nous pourrons donc bientôt vous en dévoiler plus!)

Desert Dragonkin Illustration
Car Chase Illustration
Kudu Muobos Sketches
Magma Dragonkin Sketches

As always, thank you for supporting us! 

You will still be able to update your order with more items until we lock the orders next year!

- Wendigo Workshop

Monthly Update: September
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 03:30:52 PM

Hello everyone!

I hope you are doing good and that you had a good summer.

(J'espère que vous avez passé un bel été.)

We had a couple of questions regarding the current paper shortage of the pandemic, and if this would affect the production of Arkelon. So far, we are STILL targeting the August 2022 (or earlier) release, though we are keeping a VERY close eye on how this shortage evolves during the next months, and if it should affect or delay production, we will keep you all updated (this is also valid for the GM screen, as it cardboard, the shortage may also affect production). Digital version of the game should, however, not suffer from any delay!

(Nous avons reçu quelques questions concernant la pénurie actuelle de papier causée par la pandémie, et si cela affecterait la production d'Arkelon. Jusqu'à présent, nous visons TOUJOURS une sortie en août 2022, bien que nous gardions un œil sur l'évolution de cette pénurie au cours des prochains mois. Si cela devait affecter ou retarder la production, nous vous tiendrons tous au courant (ceci est également valide pour l'écran de GM, puisqu'il est fait de carton, la pénurie peut aussi affecter la production). La version numérique du jeu ne devrait cependant souffrir d'aucun retard !)

We are also still planning on charging backerkit add-ons, preorders and shipping around April-May 2022, and will send an e-mail 2 weeks prior doing it so you can prepare, and lock orders for production around the same time.

(Nous avons prévus de charger les commandes Backerkit et les frais de port autour d'avril-mai 2022, et nous enverrons un mail 2 semaines avant. Nous allons aussi vérouiller les commandes autour des mêmes dates.)

We also got more art coming in!

Bison Muobos
Chasse-Gallerie Airline airport
Desert Dragonkin Concepts
Jaanvar-Haat Concepts

As always, thank you for the amazing support, as we wouldn't be there without you! We are working really hard to bring to you the best of Arkelon Chronicles!