
Arkelon Chronicles, a Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Created by Wendigo Workshop

Arkelon Chronicles is a new traditional tabletop RPG set in a colorful universe of technology and magic! You weren't able to pledge during the Kickstarter? You missed some unlocked stretch goals? Here you can find everything you need to enjoy the Arkelon Chronicles RPG!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

[Français] Version texte de la démo française disponible
about 3 years ago – Tue, May 04, 2021 at 06:48:57 PM

Bonjour à tous!

Comme vous le savez, une version française de la version démo était sensée voir le jour! Et bien c'est par ICI!

Une version avec de beaux graphismes est présentement en édition, et la feuille de personnage traduite joindra le dossier sous peu. Nous sommes rendus à 200 backers, et on approche rapidement notre premier stretch goal qui inclus un écran de maître de jeu avec une illustration unique.

Encore une fois, merci à vous tous de suivre le projet et de nous encourager!

Just Funded and Moving Forward!
about 3 years ago – Tue, May 04, 2021 at 06:36:04 PM

As a team, we are really happy to have such an amazing community of people. We just funded and it’s an incredible feeling!

We will still continue to push forward in these last days towards our stretch goals, and maybe unlock a few, who knows!

Thank you again, so much, for following this journey, following us and believing in the project.

Thanks to each and every single one of you, no matter how much you gave, no matter where you are from, from the bottom of our hearts!

Join the community on our Discord Server ( ), Reddit ( ) and Facebook ( )!


Merci à tous! Nous avons atteint notre objectif, mais il reste encore du temps!

Merci encore à vous tous d’avoir cru au projet, et à chacun d’entre-vous de nous avoir encouragé!

Almost there!
about 3 years ago – Sun, May 02, 2021 at 12:02:39 AM

Hello everyone!

We are almost there! We have about 2,500 CAD left to reach our goal and 9 days left! We are heading to our funding goal quite fast, and may even unlock some stretch goals in the remaining days! Some of these including more art, a game master screen and a 1st to 3rd level premade adventure.

On our side, we will update the Alpha version to those who have access on Tuesday or Wednesday with new content. Other illustrations are in the work and will be coming during the week (which we will update you with when we'll receive them)!

We will be streaming a one-shot adventure for 3rd level characters on May 8th: Assault on Lab 6, in which the characters must investigate an abandoned laboratory and uncover it's secrets!

Following the stream the one-shot will be available in text format for those who would wish to play through the adventure.

Thank you everybody for joining us in this adventure, you are amazing!

Here are more concepts of our upcoming Arcane Golem playable race variant, by Stefano Andrieri:

Less than 3,500 to go and some merch pictures!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 09:54:05 PM

We don't have much to say today, but we have some picture of stickers, buttons and charms for those of you who would want some (or already added some to their pledge) and would like to know what they look like!

We are also less than 3,500$ away from being funded which is pretty exciting! We started slow, but we prevailed and will very likely reach our objective! To all backers, whether you joined us now or from the beginning, thank you <3

Last Stretch and Almost Funded!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 10:17:18 AM

We have 13 days left and with the last boost we got, pledge changes and added people, we only have 16% left to reach our objective!

We want to thank you from the bottom of our 7 little hearts for hopping in the project and believing in it! We are almost there and we can do this!


Pour nos amis en français, merci pour le soutien, nous y sommes presque! Il nous reste 13 jours pour amasser les 16% restants! Nous allons y arriver!