Arkelon Chronicles is a new traditional tabletop RPG set in a colorful universe of technology and magic!
You weren't able to pledge during the Kickstarter? You missed some unlocked stretch goals? Here you can find everything you need to enjoy the Arkelon Chronicles RPG!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Thursday's Update
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 04:37:12 PM
Hello and good evening!
As with all Kickstarter projects, some weeks are slower than others. We, however, don't discourage ourselves, and we want to thank you for being as invested as you are and believing in Arkelon Chronicles as much as we do.
Kickstarter is all about transparency and honesty, and the question that came up a lot within the community during the week is: What if the Kickstarter doesn't fund or is cancelled? We know a lot of you think about this possibility with disappointment in your heart, but we will be honest and open with you!
The truth is: The game will happen! We believe in our project, and we believe that this is a great project that deserves all of the attention it needs! You are all amazing, and in the event it happens and we need a relaunch, we hope you will follow along and help Arkelon Chronicles reach the smashing success it deserves!
Our game plan for now is: focus on updates, articles, demo videos, interviews and streams. Get the word out, continue the marketing and see how it goes! We are confident in this project, and we believe that it is destined to work, whether it is now or with a powerful and smashing relaunch!
Pour les francophones qui nous suivent, le développeur sera en direct Dimanche matin à partir de 10h00 AM EST avec Stéphane Couture de la Zone Jeux de Société pour parler du Jeu et du Kickstarter! Ne vous gênez pas pour nous rejoindre!
Monday Update!
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 04:53:03 AM
Hello everybody!
We wanted to let you on some of the things that have been going on at Wendigo Workshop!
This week, we joined Ludipsy [French], Coup Critique [French], Pod of Blunders [English] and Mildra the Monk [English] for an interview, which has been added to the project page. We talk more deeply about the game's mechanics/aspects and how they came to be, as well as some social implications of roleplaying games.
We'll also be joining Nerdarchy tomorrow at noon for a live discussion about the game (which you can join by heading over here and setting a reminder), and have a couple of other interviews coming. We're also developing and editing quick system overview videos that will be added to the page and the YouTube channel!
We also added an add-on for a softcover version of the book, so people wanting a less expensive physical version can add it to their pledge through the add-on feature!
As a team, we also entered a design phase to adapt a ruleset for venturing the world of Arkelon as a lone wolf! We'll add a section for solo play in the Rulebook, making it easier for those who prefer this type of play to run their own adventures. We are also adapting and refining the huge+ monsters mechanics, so we'll be integrating them to the Alpha version soon, along with other additions to the classes, races and optimization of some unclear wording and rules.
On that note, those of you who have pledged on the Librarian tier or higher and has not been able to access the Alpha version, you may contact us here: [email protected], with your Kickstarter username! We will send you another link!
Stay safe and have fun,
- Wendigo Workshop
A nice 5 days of Kickstarting!
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 06:36:23 PM
Hello everyone!
We are now almost at 7000$, and we are really happy that each of you are joining the adventure! We have interviews coming on Monday, one with Pod of Blunders [English] and another with Ludipsy [French] that we are quite excited to show you!
We will continue to send you backers special work in progress, and inform you of the game's development!
[French/Français] Un message pour nos supporteurs francophones
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 10:35:39 PM
Pour les francophones qui nous suivent et qui passent par ici, merci de croire au projet!
Nous travaillons fort pour offrir une version française à la sortie, puisque le français est important pour nous! Nous savons que la présentation anglaise du projet pourrait en décourager quelques uns du Québec, mais n'ayez crainte! C'est un vrai projet d'ici, fait par des gens d'ici, avec des mains d'ici et une passion d'ici!
Le monde de 2021 rend l'anglais beaucoup plus facile a propager sur le net, et c'est en se faisant connaître que ce projet pourras voir le jour et rejoindre votre bibliothèque! Nous avons réussi à avoir plusieurs entrevues en anglais, mais aussi des entrevues avec Ludipsy et Coup Critique qui son entrain d'être édités.
Nos petits gobelins traducteurs travaillent fort pour mettre le site internet en français, et l'édition de la version Démo est en cours.
Encore une fois, merci beaucoup de nous suivre et de nous soutenir, vous êtes super et on vous aime!
A little special thing for you incredible backers!
almost 4 years ago
– Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 09:21:11 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.