
Arkelon Chronicles, a Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Created by Wendigo Workshop

Arkelon Chronicles is a new traditional tabletop RPG set in a colorful universe of technology and magic! You weren't able to pledge during the Kickstarter? You missed some unlocked stretch goals? Here you can find everything you need to enjoy the Arkelon Chronicles RPG!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pre-Order Shop and moving forward!
about 3 years ago – Wed, May 12, 2021 at 12:01:36 AM

We finish this day being funded and having set up the pre-order shop! It was supposed to release later this week, but the setup was easy to do.

If you missed the campaign, or want to add products, you can head over HERE! 

We will be setting everything up for shipping addresses and fees in the upcoming days/weeks, and will continue to update the game regularly.

Thank you again for following us and being a part of this adventure, and see you soon!

We did it!
about 3 years ago – Tue, May 11, 2021 at 04:37:56 PM

We did it!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you! Thank you for following us and helping us gather the funds we needed to make this project a reality. We got way more support than what we could have expected, and we are extremely grateful.

We are currently setting up the preorder store, and it should be ready in the next couple of days. Those of you with access to the alpha version, we will be sending a message with the link through Backer's Kit, to be sure you receive your perks!

For those of you who pledged for a custom character art, we will be contacting you shortly to start the creation process and talk about your design.

Thank you again for following the project, believing in us and for wanting this game to happen! You are awesome and we couldn't have done it without you!

We now leave you in company of our upcoming friend, a Jaanvar-Ubha(amphibian people) alchemist

Last 9 hours!
about 3 years ago – Tue, May 11, 2021 at 07:26:54 AM

This is it! We are in the last 10 hours of the Kickstarter. We are incredibly happy with what we have accomplished, and feel very proud of having such an amazing community!

We funded because of you, and we are eternally grateful for all our 257 backers! Thank you for all of your efforts sharing the project and following along the adventure.

We signed two additional character artists to help illustrating all of Arkelon's races, and are full time designing new character looks and illustrations to bring even more life to the universe!

These last hours will also be your last chance to add a custom character art to your pledge, as this special add-on will not make it to the pre-order/late pledge store!

Thank you all again for following us, you are all amazing!

Less than 48 Hours!
about 3 years ago – Sun, May 09, 2021 at 09:19:53 PM


There's less than 40 HOURS left! We are incredibly happy and proud of what we accomplished with this campaign! We have over 230 backers with more than 28,450$ pledged!

We have unlocked our official Game Master screen as a stretch goal, and are heading towards our second one: an introduction adventure for 1st to 3rd level character, teaching all of the base mechanics as you play!

We couldn't have done this without all of you, and thank you very much for your support!

Stretch Goal Unlocked!
about 3 years ago – Thu, May 06, 2021 at 05:28:30 PM

We have just unlocked our first stretch goal: an official Arkelon Chronicles Game Master screen!

Both digital (5$) and physical format (30$) have been added to the add-on manager. Both will be available in French and English, and your preferred language will be selectable following the campaign's completion! The illustration on the GM screen will be unique to this item, and will not be featured inside the game's book!

Thank you everyone for following us, backing us and being overall interested in the project. We are now heading towards our second stretch goal: a 1st to 3rd level tutorial adventure for new players to learn the rules as they play!

A new illustration is on the way, with more spooky vibes that may please the horror fan inside of you!