
Arkelon Chronicles, a Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Created by Wendigo Workshop

Arkelon Chronicles is a new traditional tabletop RPG set in a colorful universe of technology and magic! You weren't able to pledge during the Kickstarter? You missed some unlocked stretch goals? Here you can find everything you need to enjoy the Arkelon Chronicles RPG!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Second Wonderful Day!
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 07:29:19 PM


We almost completed our second day on Kickstarter and we are super pleased of how it's going! We reached more than 4000$ and it's really amazing!

Thank you for helping us reach our goal and make Arkelon Chronicles as great as it can be.

 We have send all current backers their link to pick up the free Playtest version if they didn't have it already, and sent all higher pledges their access to the Alpha version (just click the link in your Kickstarter mailbox and we will grant you access)! New pledges will also receive these links!

Don't forget that you still have until 10h00 AM EST to upgrade to the physical or Digital Early birds tiers before these close forever!

Again, thank you very much for your support, we are working really hard on updating the alpha version and increase the available content. We're also working on the French Playtest version, which should be coming soon for those who wishes to play the game in French!

Good night and stay safe everyone!

From left to right: Hatkan Human, Banteng Muobos and Quartz Shardling

Early Digital Access!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 06, 2021 at 10:00:52 PM

We are really pumped by the launch's reception! We reached 10% funding in less than one day, which is really cool for us!

All people with the Cyber Hero tier and up has been sent a link to the Playtest version of the game, and all people with The Librarian tier and up have received their link to gain access to the Alpha version!

Those who wish to increase their pledge to the two Early Bird special may do so for an increased amount of time! Due to the smashing success of The Hacker and First One on Scene tier, we have decided to extend the possibility to reap these cool rewards by 1 day! You now have until April 8th 10h00 AM EST to access this limited, awesome, tiers!

Again, thank you for supporting us! You are the reason why this will be a success!

We Just Launched!
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Apr 06, 2021 at 09:42:33 AM

We just launched the campaign and we are already so happy with the support we are getting! 

We are in the middle of setting everything up for you to receive the early digital rewards (Playtest and Alpha version)! If everything go as planned without any hiccups, we will send each of you the files before the end of the day.

In the meantime, stay tuned, stay safe and have fun!

- Wendigo Workshop