
Arkelon Chronicles, a Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Created by Wendigo Workshop

Arkelon Chronicles is a new traditional tabletop RPG set in a colorful universe of technology and magic! You weren't able to pledge during the Kickstarter? You missed some unlocked stretch goals? Here you can find everything you need to enjoy the Arkelon Chronicles RPG!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Montly Update: August
about 3 years ago – Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 11:25:37 PM

Hello everyone and welcome to this monthly update!

(Bonjour tout le monde et bienvenue à cet mise à jour mensuelle!)

We don't have much to cover on this update, but as it is going right now, we are still going forward and aiming for an August 2022 release. With everything going on in the world and having international artists, we must adapt to fires, COVID, extreme heat, floods, etc. This is one of the reason why we gave ourselves more than a year to complete the project, so we are able to deliver in time despite these hard times!

(Nous n'avons pas grand chose à couvrir dans cette mise à jour. Comment les choses vont présentement, nous allons garder notre date de sortie pour août 2022. Avec tout ce qui se passe dans le monde présentement, et ayant des artistes à l'international, nous devons nous adapter aux feux, à la COVID, aux chaleurs extrêmes, aux inondations, etc. C'est l'une des raisons pourquoi nous nous sommes donnés plus d'un an pour compléter le projet, ce qui nous donne le temps de livrer le projet à temps malgré tout celà!)

Two new illustrations are on their way! You can have an idea of what is coming below, with a special nod to a very popular legend from Quebec!

(Deux nouvelles illustrations complètes viendront s'ajouter bientôt à celles qui sont déjà terminées. Vous pouvez avoir une idée de ce qui s'en vient ci-dessous (avec une allusion spéciale à une légende Québécoise!))

We also have other race art in the work!

(Nous avons aussi d'autres illustrations de races en développement)

Forest Orcs
Bison Muobos
Finished Rural Human heritage
Finished Jaanvar-Kob Heritage

The text in itself is also being worked on, as well as monsters and creatures. We will soon be integrating the last rules for vehicles, crafting and support for playing disabled characters (for which we have consulted with sensibility readers and people having said disabilities).

(Le texte en soi est aussi travaillé, ainsi que des monstres et des créatures. Nous allons bientôt intégrer les dernières règles pour les véhicules, l'artisanat et le support pour jouer des personnages handicapés (nous avons consulté des personne ayant les handicaps que nous allons utiliser pour s'assurer d'offrir des règles qui sont adéquates et respectueuses).

For the custom artwork, most of the basic questions were asked and answered! We still have 3 official characters to be completed before we hop full time on those and really putting together the concepts to send them to the artists! We have really interesting and different concepts so it's really exciting!

(Pour les personnages personnalisés, la plupart des questions de base ont été posées et répondues! Nous avons encore 3 personnages officiels à terminer avant d'embarquer à temps plein se ces illustrations et d'envoyer les concepts aux artistes. Nous avons plusieurs concepts très différents et intéressants!)

We have a small Discord community that you can join if you want to speak with other people about the game or other subjects:

(Nous avons aussi un serveur Discord qu'il est possible de joindre, avec des salons en français et en anglais, and lequel il est possible de parler du jeu, ou de beaucoup d'autres choses)

People there are really nice, and it's cool to see our little community becoming bigger and bigger!

As always, thank you for supporting us, take care, and we'll be seeing you next month!

- Wendigo Workshop

Monthly Update: July!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 07:58:27 PM

Hi there! It's been a bit!

We have been super busy with the game in the last couple of weeks, and we are super excited about it.

We updated some of the visuals for the book's interior to be closer to what they will look like in the final version! (Nous avons amélioré le visuel du livre pour qu'il soit plus proche de la version finale!)

Lore text for most races and heritages are now completed, and will be added to the alpha version and the website during the weekend, along with their illustrations. 

(Le textes des races et leurs héritages sont presque terminés et seront ajoutés à la version alpha ainsi qu'au site internet pendant la fin de semaine avec leurs illustrations.)

Speaking of illustrations, we welcomed two new artists that will be working on those page illustrations (and prints) and GM screen, as well as some character designs: Lucas Parolin and Jeremy Adams! Both are fantastic artists and we are excited to see what they will bring to the world of Arkelon! 

(Parlant des illustrations, nous avons accueilli 2 nouveaux artistes qui travailleront sur les illustrations, l'écran de maître de jeu et les illustrations de personnages: Lucas Parolin et Jeremy Adams! Tous les deux sont des artistes fantastiques et nous sommes excités de voir ce qu'ils vont apporter à l'univers d'Arkelon)   

We also received new illustrations for some of the playable character races 

(Nous avons aussi reçu de nouvelles illustrations des races jouables):

Artificial Golem Heritage, art by Stefano Andrieri
Ice Dragonkin Heritage, art by Augustin Marceillac
Jaanvar-Ubha Heritage, art by Agustin Marceillac

And also received some new cool items illustrations to fill in the blanks in the equipment section of the book! 

(Et aussi reçu des illustrations d'équipement pour peupler les pages du chapitre sur les différents objets!):

Classes are also being updated, and the overall book is now about 80% done! We still have some talents, spells, equipment and class abilities to add. We are currently still updating the oracle tables to bring forward the a pleasurable solo  or GM-less experience within the Rulebook. We also scrambled the chapters a bit, bringing the gameplay rules as the first chapter, instead of character creation. 

(Nous travaillons aussi sur les classes, et le livre est complété à environ 80%! Il reste encore quelques sorts, talents, équipement et habileté de classes à ajouter. Nous somme aussi entrain de développer d'avantage les tableaux d'oracle pour augmenter l'expérience solo et sans maître de jeu. Les chapitres ont aussi été remaniés pour mettre les règles du jeu au chapitre un).

We also have received the official map, which we'll be updating in the next few weeks with points of interest and large cities. 

(Nous avons aussi reçu une carte officielle du monde d'Arkelon, qui sera modifiée pour inclure les différentes villes et points d'intérêt)

Arkelon Map, art by Constance Vermare

That quite sums it up for what we've been up to in the past month! Don't forget that you can still change/upgrade your order at any time as long as the pre-order store is open!

(N'oubliez pas qu'il est toujours possible de modifier votre commande tant que les pré-commandes sont ouvertes!)

Thank you all again for following us, and see you in the next update! 

(Merci encore de nous suivre, et nous nous reverrons à la prochaine mise à jour!)

Wendigo Workshop

Small Update from the Team
about 3 years ago – Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 11:35:56 AM


We hope you are doing well! We had a first pass on shipping prices, which should already have dropped for many of you! Another pass will be done when we'll receive the first print of the books, which should bring them down even more. 

We also added an item to the preorder shop, a stretch goal for the 1st to 3rd level adventure. If the demand is high enough, we will also be producing the adventure. The book will be illustrated and in color, with a digital version at 15 CAD and a physical version at 25 CAD. The additional item will not increase your shipping price (if it does, please contact us so we can fix it right away).

Those of you with custom character designs should receive a message during the evening so we can start working on your characters together!

Thank you again for supporting us, and we hope you are as excited as us to bring this project to life!

Backerkit surveys, shipping, printing and more!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 08:10:45 PM

Hello everyone!

We just sent the smoke checks for the Backerkit surveys, so everything is in motion now! Please note that the shipping price presented are approximations and are subject to changes closer to the release date. We paired with a new, non-POD printer, allowing us to send all rewards at the same time directly to you!

The pre-order shop will remain live at least until next year, while we continue to develop the game, and will probably lock orders just before sending everything for printing in May-June 2022. 

For people having ordered custom character art, we'll be sending messages next week to get started on your character concept!

Thank you again for following us and being a part of this adventure. You are all awesome!

Small update from the team!
over 3 years ago – Fri, May 28, 2021 at 07:15:15 PM

Hello everybody!

We have been a bit silent these days, but all is fine! We just received the funds from the Kickstarter, and set up everything with the new artists for creatures, items and character design. Thank you again for supporting the project and following along!

For those of you with the custom character art, we are setting things up with Backerkit, and we should contact you in about one or two weeks (they are on holidays until June 1st). You can, in the meanwhile, start thinking about which kind of character you want, so you'll be ready when the time comes!

The Alpha version of the game will soon have a huge update that include solo mode (with oracle tables) and epic combat (fighting gigantic foes), along with other smaller updates here and there, as well as additional classes.

A little bonus art, since we are Wendigo Workshop, here is the official Arkelon Wendigo look!