
Arkelon Chronicles, a Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Created by Wendigo Workshop

Arkelon Chronicles is a new traditional tabletop RPG set in a colorful universe of technology and magic! You weren't able to pledge during the Kickstarter? You missed some unlocked stretch goals? Here you can find everything you need to enjoy the Arkelon Chronicles RPG!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

An amazing day from amazing backers!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 10:06:47 PM

We don't have much to say today besides thank you!

We jumped more than 10% up in financing in less than an hour today, and we can't thank each and everyone of you enough for the support (especially you, person that pledged to have everything and even more! You deserve the most badass-awesome character art to join the roster of Iconic Characters!)

But more seriously, whether you are only a curious onlooker or a mighty dragon, we are extremely happy to have each of you tagging along and helping us bring this project to life!

We still have 16 days to go and together, we can make the most out of these remaining days!

Stay great, stay awesome, we can reach our goal and even more!

Finished Illustration of a Jaanvaris Market

Answering a Question and more!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 11:40:07 AM

As we move forward, we have had a question coming from the community that we think we should address for the people that are touched by it:

In the event of a Relaunch, what about my alpha access?

It is a very good question and the answer is: People Pledging for the alpha access will keep their access up until the relaunch and beyond! All of you are amazing, and we want you to continue enjoying Arkelon as much as you can until the relaunch! The link to the Google Drive folders will remain in your Kickstarter messages and will remain valid!

We also have received our first finished illustration from our new and amazing artist Santa Norvaisaite, which will be released by the end of the weekend (you are probably familiar with it, since we already shared some work in progress with you)! Our other artist is actively working on completing the Arkelon's world map! More race arts are also on the way!

As a team, we are still actively developing new things to fill up the Alpha version, new creatures, new abilities, etc!

Again, thank you to all of you for following us on this journey and supporting the project, you are amazing!

More than 50% funded, among other things!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 01:00:46 PM

We are more than halfway through, and still growing!

This is all because of you! We know, we know, we thank you all a lot, but this project would not be possible without all of this incredible community! 

Those with the alpha access (Librarian tier and up), we just pushed our first patch note, adding around 20 creatures of various levels in a Field Guide folder, giving you premade options for your games. We also made it so one of the Hunter class path was playable up to 5th level.

We still have 18 days to go, and we can make it! We had a slow start, but we can still have an explosive finish!

From left to right: Mountain Troll, Simulacrum and Sulfate Shardling

An Incredible Day!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 10:48:43 AM

We are almost 50% funded!

With 20 days to go and being ready to push out new content for you to see and share with the world, we are confident! We have a lot of new backers that joined us today, and we want to thank you for joining the adventure. All of this wouldn't be possible without all of you 134 individuals, you are awesome and we love you!

Don't forget that, in case you missed the update, we also added an add-on for those of you who wishes to have the physical book at a more affordable price! The softcover version can be added to any pledges for 55 CAD$ and this add-on automatically comes with a Digital version.

For those with less Kickstarter experience, you may pledge at the Curious Onlooker level, and add the book in the add-on manager, allowing you to gain the softcover rulebook and digital rulebook for 57 CAD$

As always stay safe, stay awesome, and don't forget to have fun!

More updates of a new illustration!

A New Week Starts!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 03:59:08 AM

When we logged on Kickstarter this morning, we were extremely happy to see that it bounced up quite a lot during the weekend and during the day!

It's always a good feeling to see people believing in the project and deciding to back the project. To all of you that have decided to back us, thank you! You are the reason why this project is moving forward, and why we are pushing ourselves further to bring more content for you to see, read and play!

To all of the people following us since the beginning, you are all amazing! To all people that just joined in the community, welcome and thank you for your support!

Now with a more serious matter! The system overview is coming together. The files got corrupted and lost into the void, so we will publish it at a later time this week, since we have to redo it from scratch. We are also updating the site with more illustrations and description of the different races living on Arkelon, and we are actively translating it. 

Pour les Français et Québécois qui nous suivent, le site internet sera traduit en français au courant de la semaine, vous pourrez donc le regarder dans votre langue favorite! Mlaheureusement, à cause de la somme assez colossale de travail qu'il serait requis, la version Alpha ne sera qu'en anglais pour l'instant, et la version démo (Playtest) français sera disponible sous peu.

Don't forget that you can always join our Discord community, whether it is to talk about the game or just chill with other like-minded people! We have channels in French and English to fit everyone's favored language!

Thank you/Merci to all of you amazing people!

A closer look at a Kaiju sketch!